
TrailerHome SPMT modular trailer moves 420 ton cold box in Dalian,China

TrailerHome Heavy Industries’ close friend and client, Jinde, also known as Dalian Kingdom Logistics Group
 Co.Ltd. has moved one 420 tons cold box in Dalian on March 17, 2014. Wehas offered 48 axles lines SPMT
 modular trailers and a group of engineers to help Jinde to finish this project.

The cold box’s dimension is 67.25m×10m×10.6m and weighs 420 tons. THI’s SPMT engineer Mr. Wu Hui
 has suggested using 24axles each for 4 files combination to do the transportation. The combination cont
ains two 6 axles self-propelled11 module and one PPU 375.

Since the cold box is a cube shape, so it is easy to locate its center of gravity and load it on the 4 files SPMT.
 The vehicle supports the cold box with 4 points. After loading, the vehicle had a deformation of 30mm, simil
ar to the calculated values. No deformation happened in the joint part.

The transportation was happened inside the shipyard. First the SPMT turns 90 degrees in a limited area.
 Then move backward for about 500 meters to the right position. After arriving in the correct position, tech
nicians will adjust the height of the SPMT to keep the cold box in a horizontal level. Then adjust the cente
rline of the coldbox till it is parallelled to thegantry crane, accuracy ±5mm. Lift the cold box up and move it 
to the right place.

Executives from Dalian Kingdom Logistics and Linde Group transportation supervision company h both
 spoke highly of TrailerHome’s SPMT was incredibly stable and flexible. It is truly a great advantage to ha
ve Tianjie’s support as a client and friend.”said Jinde’s project manager.

For more information,
Please contact with us..
Contact : Mr . Peng
Tel :       +86 139 1828 5343
Email :  Info@trailer-home.com 
WEB: www.trailer-home.com

1 条评论:

  1. More information about SPMT please check the web: http://www.trailer-home.com/
